oh my goodness, I can't not believe it has been 15 months since K has graced this world with her presence! She is so much fun to be around, and let me just say she is not
always our sweet little k, she has developed quite the attitude!
She loves to say
"no! " , yet she does it in quite the adorable way, she kind of shakes her head and scrunches her little face up and says "nooooo, nooooo" Hopefully she outgrows this stage of saying no to pretty much everything!
She had her 15 month check up last week, and is quite the big girl! 26lbs 12oz {90%}, 30 inches{50%},and her head still measures above the 97% (full of brains!) Of course her fifteen month check up included the dreadful shots, seriously they don't get any easier (for me or K!) and Dr. Bob found that K had the start of an ear infection :( Her first one, and he caught it ahead of time so we treated it and she didn't seem to bothered by it, thankfully!
K still only has her 2 bottom teeth, but over the weekend, Grandpa Meyer {her dentist :) } said he thought it looked like the top two were ready to pop through, and sure enough we noticed one cutting through yesterday! It is impossible to look inside of her mouth though, she fights us on it!
A few more fun things she says now:
"go-go!" (thanks to watching college football!)
"i love you" (She used to only repeat daddy on this one, but now says it all the time!)
"Minnie" (the girl loves Minnie mouse)
She walks, runs, and can climb the flight of stairs in the blink of an eye!
She loves to dance still, and we can say "shake it " and she shakes her butt from side to side, and then we can say "drop it" and she drops her butt to the floor...ha ha!! No idea where she picked up these dance moves, but it is quite the entertainment!
Enjoy a few pictures of our beautiful Kiley!
playing in her toy bin
our little walker
passed out
she loves to stick out her tongue!
this happens quite frequently in our house
messy face!