Kiley's stats at 12 months:
weight: 22lbs 8oz (75th percentile)
height: 28 1/4 inches (25th percentile)
head: 19.3 cms (97th percentile---yes her head is huge!)
In case anyone wonders, at birth she was:
weight: 8lbs 9oz
height: 20 1/2 inches
and I can not remember her head size at birth.
Kiley is very very very busy at this age, it's fun, exciting and exhausting all at the same time!
Fun things about K at 1:
*has 1 tooth only!
*crawls like a maniac
*walks and cruises along tables,furniture, whatever but not independently walking yet (which is OK by me!)
*LOVES to clap her hands
*will put up her 1 finger when you say "who is one!?" "is Kiley one", etc. (so stinking cute!)
*says "no, no" and shakes her finger (learned that one at Great Aunt Sara and Great Uncle Bill's house watching us talk to the dog!
*sleeps oh so wonderfully! except, when our routine is thrown off, then we have some issues.
*drinking whole milk now, and really only likes to drink milk through a bottle (help! I don't want her to be hooked on a bottle!)
*eats mostly everything we give her
Oh there are so many more and exciting things about Kiley, but that is all I will share tonight!!
I'll leave with some photos!
found her napping like this one morning, haha!
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