Monday, December 10, 2012

Disney on Ice!

Saturday we got to take Kiley to see Disney on Ice, in Peoria!  Thank you to Grandma T. for getting the tickets for us!!

started the day with lunch at Chili's!

having fun taking pictures on mommy's phone before the show

 so excited!!
 {check out her bracelet!  thanks grandma meyer for the cute outfit!}

 we had to get her a light up Cinderella souvenier!

 {daddy does not make a good photographer!}

passed out almost immediately on the car ride home!

having fun dancing!  she LOVED LOVED LOVED the day we had! 
It was so much fun!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

posing with the dogs! Can't believe I got them to sit this still!

snack time!

passed out driving to Iowa City!
Ice cream from the rootbeer stand to end off our exciting week!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Our new journey!

We are so excited to announce that we are moving!!  Iowa City bound Jan.1st!! {although that could be depending on what we find for living arrangemnets!}
Kyle accepted a Store Director position at the Iowa City Hy-Vee Drugstore! I am so proud of him, and so excited to start a new chapter in our lives.

We took a little road trip out to Iowa City yesterday to scope things out, here is his store!

A little blurb from the company announcement

Yes, I made him pose outside of the new store with Kiley!

Minnie Mouse love

Kiley has an obsession, with Minnie Mouse....jammies, pillow, dolls, everything minnie!

 someone didn't want to wake up...
 and she wants to wear the skirt part of her minnie jammies
she LOVES LOVES LOVES to dance and twirl around with Minnie!