Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Poor little K

Kiley got an "owie" on her face over the weekend. Poor thing, although it does look a lot worse then it really is. She was busy playing Sunday morning and either stepped on her blanket on the floor or tripped from carrying it around. Well she went straight forward into one of her toys, and this was the end result. Luckily for us there wasn't much blood, or tears... But unlucky that she has this nasty looking scratch in her face, right before Christmas. Oh little k!
this is what she fell into (we think she hit one of the princess dolls)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kiley's self portraits!

Kiley loves checking herself out when I "flip" my camera around so she can see herself on the screen!  While she admires herself I am busy clicking away to capture some of her faces!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

3 new teeth..plus a little laugh!

Today was quite the day with K!  She was in quite a fabulous mood this morning and even yet tonight {she has been quite the cranky little one lately, as she is cutting 3 teeth!}

So we started our morning routine as we normally do , but as I got her coat and hat on, I decided I needed to try and snap a picture of her in her oh-so-adorable hat and coat! {thanks grandma for those!}  Now usually she runs away from me because she is way too busy to have her picture taken, but I plopped her up on our table and tried to make her laugh by playing with one of her toys, and just like that it worked!
she looks like she belongs in Paris!

After a day at the babysitters, I ended up picking her up because daddy is home sick in bed :(   So Kiley and I got to hang out just the two of us tonight!   We enjoyed mac and cheese and hot dogs for dinner! And played a little before bath time.   As I said before, Kiley is cutting 3 teeth, all on top! {she only has 2 on the bottom right now, so once these pop through we are up to 5!}  So as we were playing she likes to point to her teeth, but wont let me look at them!  After teaching her to open and say "AHHHH" {or however you would spell that}  I was able to catch a blurry photo of the little suckers popping through!
check them out!

This is her "AWW" face!

After we ate, it was bath time for K.  She was still in a great mood, and she splished and splashed in the tub, so I shot a little video of her, until...she pooped....again...{3rd time doing it in the tub}   So I had to let her out of the tub to drain it and clean it out, then refill it....so K ran around the house, naked and wet!  Screaming and laughing though!  It was quite hysterical and adorable, and I of course had to let her, since I had no where else for her to go!    Finally we got the tub refilled, and finished out bath!   Our night ended with reading some books, playing and then snuggles!   We went in to say "night-night" with daddy {bad idea, she only wanted to be with him}  She kissed him goodnight, and sunggled right up to him :(  I had to take her away, because we don't want her to catch anything, and of course she cried and whined for daddy!  

This is the video I caught of her before the incident...enjoy!

Friday, December 9, 2011

the many sleeping styles of K

I have captured these oh-so-adorable pictures of little miss k over the past few weeks on my phone and just had to share!   it  seems anymore the only pictures i snap of her are her asleep, she is way too busy and on the go for any others! ha!  enjoy!

 hand in the snack cup!
 love the hands behind her head
loves her minnie mouse

 crossed little feet
my favorite <3

Thursday, December 8, 2011

oh christmas tree..

it's that most wonderful time of the year! I am beyond excited to celebrate Christmas with K this year!  It is going to be so much fun, as she will be able to enjoy it and be more aware of things than she was last year.  With that being said, she is already way more aware!  For example, Santa, she is NOT a fan...where as last year she was perfectly fine being in his arms!  (we will be trying Santa again closer to Christmas day, in hopes of a decent picutre, and we must see him at Valley West Mall so Kiley can take a ride on the train!) 

Since our house is about the size of a shoe box (OK, that might be exaggerating a little) , but we don't really have much room for a Christmas tree in our living spaces.  So last year we bought K her own little tree for her room (which I wanted her to have one anyway) And it's perfect, white and beautiful!  I wanted to capture the look on her face when she saw it the first time, so once I had it all set up and decorated I sent Kyle up with her.   She LOVES it!  She is much more into it this year, and loves to pull of some of the decorations! Oh well, it is still fun!
 the tree in all it's glory!
 seeing it for the first time!
 gotta chekc everything out

hmm..i think i will eat Santa!