Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bringing home Peter Rabbit

At preschool Kiley's room, "the bunny room" has a Peter the Rabbit. Each day he gets to go home with one of the kids and Kiley got her turn Tuesday!  They have a little bag for him and in it is a journal. Each child gets a page to share their adventures with Peter! Peter had a fun few days at our house..he got to help set up our Christmas tree, bake some
Cookie bars, watch movies, read books,etc!  Last night we took him on a trip to the library (the only time I remembered to take pictures of Kiley with him). It was rainy out all day so Kiley even jumped in the puddles with him! 

They picked out a few movies!
And of course had to ride the dinosaur! 

Now Peter and Kiley are back to preschool! She had fun with him!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

We went to dinner over the weekend at Texas Roadhouse... Kiley loves the peanuts! (And the rolls-yum!!)