Friday, October 4, 2013

Preschool Work

Kiley comes home now with loads of "artwork" from preschool.  Somewhere along the way I read of ideas to take pictures of artwork versus keeping it.  Right now she thinks EVERYTHING needs to be displayed on the refrigerator. She has literally scribbled a crayon across one paper, picks up a new color and new paper and scribbles on that and continues - then takes all 5 or more of them and hangs them up on the when I go to take them down she flips out- lol. So I have learned to take 1 down at a time and replace it with a new one, keeping about 5 on the fridge at a time.  So back to the taking a picture of it I have decided to do this with some of her bigger things she makes. My ultimate goal is at the end of each year I will make a photo book of her with pictures from the year, and include some of these pictures of her art.  We shall see if tha really happens :)
This was in our welcome packet of information I thought it was cute and it made Kiley super excited for school to start!

Her first piece of artwork for the year! Yes the word school bus is upside down ;)

We had to have this turned in before school started for her open house. 

Her class! They make up the Tues/Thurs Bunny Room!
{she tells me she doesn't know the names of her friends but she points to who she plays with, and of course she tells me who the "naughty" little boy is- and she knows him by name! Ha!}
All about me day was 9-24-13. Of course 
I took no pictures of anything with it- at least she got the special person award! 
And her first accident report- ha!  I can't believe they have to fill those out for such little "incidents"  I have to laugh though because "Kiley covered her knee and wouldn't show her teacher" and not wantin a bandaid. Typical Kiley !

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